Click or drag to resize
StatusStripUpdateDisplay Class
Represents a visual control that interacts with an UpdateController on a StatusStrip.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Kjs.AppLife.Update.Controller
Assembly: Kjs.AppLife.Update.Controller (in Kjs.AppLife.Update.Controller.dll) Version: (
public class StatusStripUpdateDisplay : ToolStripDropDownButton, 
	IUpdateControl, ISupportInitialize, IAnimationContainer

The StatusStripUpdateDisplay type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatusStripUpdateDisplay
Initializes a new instance of the StatusStripUpdateDisplay class.
Public methodBeginInit
Signals the object that initialization is starting.
Protected methodCreateAccessibilityInstance (Inherited from ToolStripDropDownItem.)
Protected methodCreateDefaultDropDown
Creates a generic ToolStripDropDown for which events can be defined.
(Overrides ToolStripDropDownButtonCreateDefaultDropDown.)
Public methodCreateObjRef
Creates an object that contains all the relevant information required to generate a proxy used to communicate with a remote object.
(Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.)
Public methodDispose
Releases all resources used by the Component.
(Inherited from Component.)
Protected methodDispose(Boolean)
Releases the unmanaged resources used by the Control and its child controls and optionally releases the managed resources.
(Overrides ToolStripDropDownItemDispose(Boolean).)
Public methodDoDragDrop
Begins a drag-and-drop operation.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public methodEndInit
Signals the object that initialization is complete.
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Releases unmanaged resources and performs other cleanup operations before the Component is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodGetCurrentParent
Retrieves the ToolStrip that is the container of the current ToolStripItem.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetLifetimeService
Retrieves the current lifetime service object that controls the lifetime policy for this instance.
(Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.)
Public methodGetPreferredSize
Retrieves the size of a rectangular area into which a control can be fit.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Protected methodGetService
Returns an object that represents a service provided by the Component or by its Container.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodHideDropDown
Makes a visible ToolStripDropDown hidden.
(Inherited from ToolStripDropDownItem.)
Public methodInitializeLifetimeService
Obtains a lifetime service object to control the lifetime policy for this instance.
(Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.)
Public methodInvalidate
Invalidates the entire surface of the ToolStripItem and causes it to be redrawn.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public methodInvalidate(Rectangle)
Invalidates the specified region of the ToolStripItem by adding it to the update region of the ToolStripItem, which is the area that will be repainted at the next paint operation, and causes a paint message to be sent to the ToolStripItem.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Protected methodIsInputChar
Determines whether a character is an input character that the item recognizes.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Protected methodIsInputKey
Determines whether the specified key is a regular input key or a special key that requires preprocessing.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone(Boolean)
Creates a shallow copy of the current MarshalByRefObject object.
(Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.)
Protected methodOnAvailableChanged
Raises the AvailableChanged event.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Protected methodOnBackColorChanged
Raises the BackColorChanged event.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Protected methodOnBoundsChanged
Called when the Bounds property changes.
(Overrides ToolStripDropDownItemOnBoundsChanged.)
Protected methodOnClick
Raises the Click event.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Protected methodOnDisplayStyleChanged
Raises the DisplayStyleChanged event.
(Overrides ToolStripItemOnDisplayStyleChanged(EventArgs).)
Protected methodOnDoubleClick
Raises the DoubleClick event.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Protected methodOnDragDrop
Raises the DragDrop event.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Protected methodOnDragEnter
Raises the DragEnter event.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Protected methodOnDragLeave
Raises the DragLeave event.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Protected methodOnDragOver
Raises the DragOver event.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Protected methodOnDropDownClosed
Raises the DropDownClosed event.
(Overrides ToolStripDropDownItemOnDropDownClosed(EventArgs).)
Protected methodOnDropDownHide (Inherited from ToolStripDropDownItem.)
Protected methodOnDropDownItemClicked
Raises the DropDownItemClicked event.
(Inherited from ToolStripDropDownItem.)
Protected methodOnDropDownOpened
Raises the DropDownOpened event.
(Overrides ToolStripDropDownItemOnDropDownOpened(EventArgs).)
Protected methodOnDropDownShow (Inherited from ToolStripDropDownItem.)
Protected methodOnEnabledChanged
Raises the EnabledChanged event.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Protected methodOnFontChanged
Raises the FontChanged event.
(Inherited from ToolStripDropDownItem.)
Protected methodOnForeColorChanged
Raises the ForeColorChanged event.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Protected methodOnGiveFeedback
Raises the GiveFeedback event.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Protected methodOnLayout
Raises the Layout event.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Protected methodOnLocationChanged
Raises the LocationChanged event.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Protected methodOnMouseDown
Raises the MouseDown event.
(Overrides ToolStripDropDownButtonOnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs).)
Protected methodOnMouseEnter
Raises the MouseEnter event.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Protected methodOnMouseHover
Raises the MouseHover event.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Protected methodOnMouseLeave
Raises the MouseLeave event.
(Overrides ToolStripDropDownButtonOnMouseLeave(EventArgs).)
Protected methodOnMouseMove
Raises the MouseMove event.
(Overrides ToolStripItemOnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs).)
Protected methodOnMouseUp
Raises the MouseUp event.
(Overrides ToolStripDropDownButtonOnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs).)
Protected methodOnOwnerChanged
Raises the OwnerChanged event.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Protected methodOnOwnerFontChanged
Raises the FontChanged event when the Font property has changed on the parent of the ToolStripItem.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Protected methodOnPaint
Raises the Paint event.
(Overrides ToolStripDropDownButtonOnPaint(PaintEventArgs).)
Protected methodOnParentBackColorChanged
Raises the BackColorChanged event.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Protected methodOnParentChanged
Raises the ParentChanged event.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Protected methodOnParentEnabledChanged
Raises the EnabledChanged event when the Enabled property value of the item's container changes.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Protected methodOnParentForeColorChanged
Raises the ForeColorChanged event.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Protected methodOnParentRightToLeftChanged
Raises the RightToLeftChanged event.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Protected methodOnQueryContinueDrag
Raises the QueryContinueDrag event.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Protected methodOnRightToLeftChanged (Inherited from ToolStripDropDownItem.)
Protected methodOnTextChanged
Raises the TextChanged event.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Protected methodOnUpdateReady
Raises the UpdateReady event.
Protected methodOnVisibleChanged
Raises the VisibleChanged event.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public methodPerformClick
Activates the ToolStripItem when it is clicked with the mouse.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Protected methodProcessCmdKey
Processes a command key.
(Inherited from ToolStripDropDownItem.)
Protected methodProcessDialogKey
Processes a dialog key.
(Inherited from ToolStripDropDownItem.)
Protected methodProcessMnemonic
Retrieves a value indicating whether the drop-down list of the ToolStripDropDownButton has items.
(Inherited from ToolStripDropDownButton.)
Public methodResetBackColor
This method is not relevant to this class.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public methodResetDisplayStyle
This method is not relevant to this class.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public methodResetFont
This method is not relevant to this class.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public methodResetForeColor
This method is not relevant to this class.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public methodResetImage
This method is not relevant to this class.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public methodResetMargin
This method is not relevant to this class.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public methodResetPadding
This method is not relevant to this class.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public methodResetRightToLeft
This method is not relevant to this class.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public methodResetTextDirection
This method is not relevant to this class.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public methodSelect
Selects the item.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Protected methodSetBounds
Sets the size and location of the item.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Protected methodSetVisibleCore
Sets the ToolStripItem to the specified visible state.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public methodShowDetailsPopup
Opens the control's associated update details popup.
Public methodShowDropDown
Displays the ToolStripDropDownItem control associated with this ToolStripDropDownItem.
(Inherited from ToolStripDropDownItem.)
Public methodToString (Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public propertyAccessibilityObject
Gets the AccessibleObject assigned to the control.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public propertyAccessibleDefaultActionDescription
Gets or sets the default action description of the control for use by accessibility client applications.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public propertyAccessibleDescription
Gets or sets the description that will be reported to accessibility client applications.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public propertyAccessibleName
Gets or sets the name of the control for use by accessibility client applications.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public propertyAccessibleRole
Gets or sets the accessible role of the control, which specifies the type of user interface element of the control.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public propertyAlignment
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the item aligns towards the beginning or end of the ToolStrip.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public propertyAllowDrop
Gets or sets a value indicating whether drag-and-drop and item reordering are handled through events that you implement.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public propertyAnchor
Gets or sets the edges of the container to which a ToolStripItem is bound and determines how a ToolStripItem is resized with its parent.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public propertyApplicationName
Gets or sets the name of the application, as shown in the control's tooltips and details form.
Public propertyApplyUpdateOptions
Gets or sets the options used when the control applies an update.
Public propertyAutoHideDelaySeconds
Gets or sets the number of seconds before an idle control will automatically hide itself.
Public propertyAutoSize
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the item is automatically sized.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public propertyAutoStart
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the control will check for an update automatically when it is created and shown for the first time.
Public propertyAutoToolTip
This property supports the control infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public propertyAvailable
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the ToolStripItem should be placed on a ToolStrip.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public propertyBackColor
Gets or sets the background color for the item.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public propertyBackgroundImage
Gets or sets the background image displayed in the item.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public propertyBackgroundImageLayout
Gets or sets the background image layout used for the ToolStripItem.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public propertyBounds
Gets the size and location of the item.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Protected propertyCanRaiseEvents
Gets a value indicating whether the component can raise an event.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyCanSelect
Gets a value indicating whether the item can be selected.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public propertyContainer
Gets the IContainer that contains the Component.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyContentRectangle
Gets the area where content, such as text and icons, can be placed within a ToolStripItem without overwriting background borders.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Protected propertyDefaultAutoToolTip
Gets a value indicating whether to display the ToolTip that is defined as the default.
(Inherited from ToolStripDropDownButton.)
Protected propertyDefaultDisplayStyle
Gets a value indicating what is displayed on the ToolStripItem.
(Overrides ToolStripItemDefaultDisplayStyle.)
Protected propertyDefaultMargin
Gets the default margin of an item.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Protected propertyDefaultPadding
Gets the internal spacing characteristics of the item.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Protected propertyDefaultSize
Gets the default size of the item.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Protected propertyDesignMode
Gets a value that indicates whether the Component is currently in design mode.
(Inherited from Component.)
Protected propertyDismissWhenClicked
Gets a value indicating whether items on a ToolStripDropDown are hidden after they are clicked.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public propertyDisplayStyle
Gets or sets whether text and images are displayed on a ToolStripItem.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public propertyDock
Gets or sets which ToolStripItem borders are docked to its parent control and determines how a ToolStripItem is resized with its parent.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public propertyDoubleClickEnabled
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the ToolStripItem can be activated by double-clicking the mouse.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public propertyDropDown
This property is not available for this class.
Public propertyDropDownDirection
Gets or sets a value indicating the direction in which the ToolStripDropDownItem emerges from its parent container.
(Inherited from ToolStripDropDownItem.)
Public propertyDropDownItems
This property is not available for this class.
Protected propertyDropDownLocation
Gets the screen coordinates, in pixels, of the upper-left corner of the ToolStripDropDownItem.
(Inherited from ToolStripDropDownItem.)
Public propertyEnabled
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the parent control of the ToolStripItem is enabled.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Protected propertyEvents
Gets the list of event handlers that are attached to this Component.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyFont
Gets or sets the font of the text displayed by the item.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public propertyForeColor
Gets or sets the foreground color of the item.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public propertyHasDropDownItems
Gets a value indicating whether the ToolStripDropDownItem has ToolStripDropDown controls associated with it.
(Inherited from ToolStripDropDownItem.)
Public propertyHeight
Gets or sets the height, in pixels, of a ToolStripItem.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public propertyImage
This property is not available for this class.
(Overrides ToolStripItemImage.)
Public propertyImageAlign
Gets or sets the alignment of the image on a ToolStripItem.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public propertyImageIndex
Gets or sets the index value of the image that is displayed on the item.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public propertyImageKey
Gets or sets the key accessor for the image in the ImageList that is displayed on a ToolStripItem.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public propertyImageScaling
Gets or sets a value indicating whether an image on a ToolStripItem is automatically resized to fit in a container.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public propertyImageTransparentColor
Gets or sets the color to treat as transparent in a ToolStripItem image.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public propertyInitialSharedProperties
Gets or sets a set of initial values for the shared properties used in the update when it is applied.
Public propertyIsDisposed
Gets a value indicating whether the object has been disposed of.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public propertyIsOnDropDown
Gets a value indicating whether the container of the current Control is a ToolStripDropDown.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public propertyIsOnOverflow
Gets a value indicating whether the Placement property is set to Overflow.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public propertyMargin
Gets or sets the space between the item and adjacent items.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public propertyMergeAction
Gets or sets how child menus are merged with parent menus.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public propertyMergeIndex
Gets or sets the position of a merged item within the current ToolStrip.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public propertyName
Gets or sets the name of the item.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public propertyNoUpdateCustomText
Gets or sets text to be displayed when the application is up to date.
Public propertyNoUpdateImageLarge
Gets or sets the image to be displayed on the control's details popup when the application is up to date.
Public propertyNoUpdateImageSmall
Gets or sets the image to be displayed on the control when the application is up to date.
Public propertyOverflow
Gets or sets whether the item is attached to the ToolStrip or ToolStripOverflowButton or can float between the two.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public propertyOwner
Gets or sets the owner of this item.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public propertyOwnerItem
Gets the parent ToolStripItem of this ToolStripItem.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public propertyPadding
Gets or sets the internal spacing, in pixels, between the item's contents and its edges.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Protected propertyParent
Gets or sets the parent container of the ToolStripItem.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public propertyPlacement
Gets the current layout of the item.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public propertyPressed
Gets a value indicating whether the ToolStripDropDownItem is in the pressed state.
(Inherited from ToolStripDropDownItem.)
Public propertyReadyToApplyCustomText
Gets or sets text to be displayed when an update has been downloaded and is ready to be applied.
Public propertyReadyToApplyImageLarge
Gets or sets the image to be displayed on the control's details popup when an update has been downloaded and is ready to be applied.
Public propertyReadyToApplyImageSmall
Gets or sets the image to be displayed on the control when an update has been downloaded and is ready to be applied.
Public propertyRecheckDelayMinutes
Gets or sets the number of minutes the control will wait before retrying an update check, if it failed to find an update previously.
Public propertyRightToLeft
Gets or sets a value indicating whether items are to be placed from right to left and text is to be written from right to left.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public propertyRightToLeftAutoMirrorImage
Mirrors automatically the ToolStripItem image when the RightToLeft property is set to Yes.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public propertySelected
Gets a value indicating whether the item is selected.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public propertyShowDropDownArrow
Gets or sets a value indicating whether an arrow is displayed on the ToolStripDropDownButton, which indicates that further options are available in a drop-down list.
(Inherited from ToolStripDropDownButton.)
Protected propertyShowKeyboardCues
Gets a value indicating whether to show or hide shortcut keys.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public propertyShowUpdateSummary
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to show summary text for the currently found update in the control's details popup.
Public propertySite
Gets or sets the ISite of the Component.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertySize
Gets or sets the size of the item.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public propertySummaryCustomHtml
Gets or sets custom HTML shown instead of an update's own summary. If this value is an empty string, the update's HistoricalSummaryHtml is used instead.
Public propertySummaryCustomText
Gets or sets custom text shown instead of an update's own summary. If this value is an empty string, the update's HistoricalSummary is used instead.
Public propertyTag
Gets or sets the object that contains data about the item.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public propertyText
This property is not available for this class.
(Overrides ToolStripItemText.)
Public propertyTextAlign
Gets or sets the alignment of the text on a ToolStripLabel.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public propertyTextDirection
Gets the orientation of text used on a ToolStripItem.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public propertyTextImageRelation
Gets or sets the position of ToolStripItem text and image relative to each other.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public propertyToolTipText
This property supports the control infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public propertyUpdateController
Gets or sets the UpdateController associated with the control.
Public propertyVisible
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the item is displayed.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public propertyWidth
Gets or sets the width in pixels of a ToolStripItem.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public eventAvailableChanged
Occurs when the value of the Available property changes.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public eventBackColorChanged
Occurs when the value of the BackColor property changes.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public eventClick
Occurs when the ToolStripItem is clicked.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public eventDisplayStyleChanged
Occurs when the DisplayStyle has changed.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public eventDisposed
Occurs when the component is disposed by a call to the Dispose method.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public eventDoubleClick
Occurs when the item is double-clicked with the mouse.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public eventDragDrop
Occurs when the user drags an item and the user releases the mouse button, indicating that the item should be dropped into this item.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public eventDragEnter
Occurs when the user drags an item into the client area of this item.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public eventDragLeave
Occurs when the user drags an item and the mouse pointer is no longer over the client area of this item.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public eventDragOver
Occurs when the user drags an item over the client area of this item.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public eventDropDownClosed
Occurs when the ToolStripDropDown closes.
(Inherited from ToolStripDropDownItem.)
Public eventDropDownItemClicked
Occurs when the ToolStripDropDown is clicked.
(Inherited from ToolStripDropDownItem.)
Public eventDropDownOpened
Occurs when the ToolStripDropDown has opened.
(Inherited from ToolStripDropDownItem.)
Public eventDropDownOpening
Occurs as the ToolStripDropDown is opening.
(Inherited from ToolStripDropDownItem.)
Public eventEnabledChanged
Occurs when the Enabled property value has changed.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public eventForeColorChanged
Occurs when the ForeColor property value changes.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public eventGiveFeedback
Occurs during a drag operation.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public eventLocationChanged
Occurs when the location of a ToolStripItem is updated.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public eventMouseDown
Occurs when the mouse pointer is over the item and a mouse button is pressed.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public eventMouseEnter
Occurs when the mouse pointer enters the item.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public eventMouseHover
Occurs when the mouse pointer hovers over the item.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public eventMouseLeave
Occurs when the mouse pointer leaves the item.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public eventMouseMove
Occurs when the mouse pointer is moved over the item.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public eventMouseUp
Occurs when the mouse pointer is over the item and a mouse button is released.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public eventOwnerChanged
Occurs when the Owner property changes.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public eventPaint
Occurs when the item is redrawn.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public eventQueryAccessibilityHelp
Occurs when an accessibility client application invokes help for the ToolStripItem.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public eventQueryContinueDrag
Occurs during a drag-and-drop operation and allows the drag source to determine whether the drag-and-drop operation should be canceled.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public eventRightToLeftChanged
Occurs when the RightToLeft property value changes.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public eventTextChanged
Occurs when the value of the Text property changes.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)
Public eventUpdateReady
Raised when an update has been downloaded and is ready to be applied.
Public eventVisibleChanged
Occurs when the value of the Visible property changes.
(Inherited from ToolStripItem.)

An StatusStripUpdateDisplay provides a live display of the status of an UpdateController, and can respond to user input to find and apply updates.

See Also