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UpdateController Properties

The UpdateController type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAddCredentialsToAutoDetectProxy
Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the controller will add default network credentials to the application's default web proxy.
Public propertyAllowElevatedPrivileges Obsolete.
Gets or sets a value that specifies whether to allow updates to be applied using a Windows service with administrative privileges. The service must be installed before it can be used to apply an update.
Public propertyAllUpdates
Gets a collection of UpdateInformation objects that represent all updates found from the last update check, or if no update information is available.
Public propertyApplicationId
Gets or sets a Guid that is used to uniquely identify the application that is being updated.
Public propertyAutoCopyCommandLine
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the command line arguments passed to the application should be automatically passed to it again when it is restarted after an update.
Public propertyAutoDetectProxy
Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the controller will automatically detect proxy settings.
Public propertyAvailableUpdates
Gets a collection of UpdateInformation objects that can be applied to the current Version or if no update information is available or EnableAutoChaining is .
Public propertyBypassProxyOnLocal
Gets or sets a value that specifies whether to bypass using a proxy server for local addresses.
Protected propertyCanRaiseEvents
Gets a value indicating whether the component can raise an event.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyClientAccessKey
Gets or sets a value that can be used as a secondary client identifier. Client keys can be used in an AppLife Update Server whitelist. Like the ClientID, this value is passed to the server with each request.
Public propertyClientId
A client identifier generated based on a unique hardware signature and install location
Public propertyContainer
Gets the IContainer that contains the Component.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyControlledRolloutEnabled
Gets or sets a value that specifies whether controlled rollouts are enabled for updates received by the controller. When controlled rollouts are enabled, clients are updated over the amount of time specified in the ControlledRolloutHours property.
Public propertyControlledRolloutHours
Gets or sets the period of time over which clients will be updated when controlled rollouts are enabled.
Public propertyCurrentUpdate
Gets or sets information about the currently available update, or if no update information has been retrieved. If setting this value, the UpdateInformation must be in the list of updates retured by AllUpdates and EnableAutoChaining must be .
Public propertyCustomHttpHeaders
Gets a collection of custom headers that will be sent with any HTTP request issued by the controller.
Public propertyCustomHttpHeaderValue Obsolete.
Gets or sets a String value that, when specified, is added to the http request header collection under the name 'AppLifeHttpHeader'. The value can be used within a custom http handler on the server to perform server side processing.
Public propertyCustomIpcData
Gets or sets a string that is sent with all communications between controllers.
Protected propertyDesignMode
Gets a value that indicates whether the Component is currently in design mode.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyDisableControllerIpc
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the controller will communicate with other controllers that share the same ApplicationId.
Public propertyElevationType
Gets or sets a value that specifies the level of elevation used to apply updates. See UpdateElevationType for more information.
Public propertyEnableAutoChaining
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the UpdateController will find, download and apply all possible updates in sequence, rather than one update at once.
Public propertyEnableOfflineUpdates
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the UpdateController will check for updates using cached data, allowing previously downloaded updates to be applied without network connectivity.
Public propertyEnableTestUpdates
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to allow updates that are flagged as "test only" to be applied.
Protected propertyEvents
Gets the list of event handlers that are attached to this Component.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyHostAssemblyLocation
Gets the Entry Assembly location. To override the host assembly information use the OverrideHostProcessInfo method.
Public propertyIsBusy
Gets a value indicating whether an asynchronous operation is currently in progress.
Public propertyIsFirstRun
Gets a value indicating that this is the first time an UpdateController has been set to the current ApplicationId since the last successful update for that ID was applied.
Public propertyNoUpdateDisplayHtml
Gets HTML retrieved from the update server that should be shown when no updates are available, or if no update information has been retrieved.
Public propertyNoUpdateDisplayText
Gets text retrieved from the update server that should be shown when no updates are available, or if no update information has been retrieved.
Public propertyPreferredDownloadPath
Gets or sets the directory where downloaded updates will be saved. If this property is not set, updates will be saved in the current user's temp directory.
Public propertyProxyAddress
Gets or sets the address of the proxy server the UpdateController will use when connecting to the update location.
Public propertyProxyDomain
Gets or sets the domain used for authentication on the proxy server.
Public propertyProxyPassword
Gets or sets the password used for authentication on the proxy server.
Public propertyProxyUseDefaultCredentials
Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the UpdateController will use the credentials of the currently logged on user when accessing the proxy server.
Public propertyProxyUserName
Gets or sets the user name used for authentication on the proxy server.
Public propertyPublicKeyToken
Gets or sets the public key token of the strong name key used to create the updates that will be downloaded and applied by the UpdateController. If an update cannot be validated using this key, it will not be applied.
Public propertySite
Gets or sets the ISite of the Component.
(Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyCode exampleUpdateLocation
Gets or sets the network location of the updates for the application. Any UNC, HTTP, or FTP location can be specified.
Public propertyUpdateLocationDomain
Gets or sets a domain user name to use to log in to access the location specified in UpdateLocation.
Public propertyUpdateLocationPassword
Gets or sets a password to use to log in to access the location specified in UpdateLocation.
Public propertyUpdateLocationUserName
Gets or sets a user name to use to log in to access the location specified in UpdateLocation.
Public propertyUseDefaultCredentialsOverHttp
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to user the current user's credentials when accessing UpdateLocation, when UpdateLocation is an HTTP URI.
Public propertyUseHostAssemblyVersion
Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the controller will use the hosting assembly's version as the value for Version.
Public propertyVersion
Gets or sets the current version number of the application used for update purposes.
Public propertyWebRequestKeepAlive
Gets or sets a Boolean value that sets the KeepAlive property of a web request for an update. The default value is true, and should only be set to false if updates are hosted on a server that does not support the default keep alive behavior.
See Also