Solution Lab

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Chained Application Updating Part 2

Date: March 12th, 2010
Product: AppLife Update
Lab Description
This solution lab extends the Chained Update solution lab and demonstrates a method to create a specialized user interface(UI) that continuously displays the application of multiple chained updates. The UI operates using cross-process communication between itself and the customized update engine interface (IUpdateUI) embedded into each of the chained updates.

In part 1 of this Chained Update lab, we demonstrated how to download several updates at once and then automatically apply them one after another. We also developed a customized user interface for discovering and downloading the updates. However, when it came time to actually apply the updates, we used the default AppLife Update engine user interface. This results in a usable, but non-optimal user experience as three separate update windows open and close during the process. With the new custom update UI feature in AppLife Update 3.0, we can replace that series of update windows with a single UI that shows a unified overall progress window for the update chain.

Chained Update UI Architecture

The chained update UI consists of three parts:

  1. A shared update UI application that displays progress. For this solution lab, we’ll display progress for both the entire chain of updates and the current update being applied. This application is started before the first update is applied and remains running until the last update finishes.
  2. A custom update UI that is included with each update and replaces the default AppLife Update UI. This custom update UI does not display anything directly to the user, but communicates with the shared update UI to inform it about the status of the update currently being applied.
  3. A set of classes used to communicate between the shared and custom UIs.

Shared Communication Classes

In order for each update to communicate with the shared update UI application, we’ll use .NET Remoting. To enable communications, both applications must reference a common assembly that contains the types used for communications. In this lab, these types are contained in the custom update UI assembly. This makes it very easy for each custom update UI to reference the types.

Shared Update UI

The shared update UI is launched by the host application just before the first update is started. The host application provides it with information about the number of updates that are going to be applied in the chain. This information is used to display total progress as the update chain is applied. At startup, the shared update UI opens a Remoting server channel. This channel is used by the updates being applied in the chain to instantiate communication classes within the shared update UI process. As each chained update is started, the shared update UI resets the “current update” progress bar and updates the overall status to indicate how far along in the chain we are. As an individual update is executed, the shared update UI receives progress events and updates the individual update progress bar. After all the updates have finished (or if an error occurs), the main application is restarted by AppLife Update and it then closes the shared update UI using Remoting.

Custom Update UI

The custom update UI is included with every update to the host application. It consists of an implementation of the IUpdateUI interface, and is used by AppLife Update while an update is being applied. Instead of a traditional visible UI, our implementation uses the Remoting channel created by the shared update UI to send progress information whenever an interface method is called. The shared update UI provides visual feedback to the end user.


The AppLife Update Controller API makes it very easy to prepare and apply a chain of individual application updates together. This process was implemented in Part 1 of this solution lab. By using the new custom update UI feature included in AppLife Update 3.0, we can extend the chained update process to provide a smooth end user experience while chaining multiple updates together and sequentially applying them.

For answers to questions about this example, please contact Kinetic Jump tech support.

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